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First person to receive a genetically modified pig kidney transplant dies nearly 2 months later ( apnews.com )

The first recipient of a genetically modified pig kidney transplant has died nearly two months after he underwent the procedure, his family and the hospital that performed the surgery said Saturday....

hydroptic ,

[the transplant team] said they didn’t have any indication that he died as a result of the transplant.

Well, at least the concept is probably valid, then.

hydroptic OP , (edited )

This reeks of someone who uses the word "woke" unironically

Edit: I couldn't help my curiosity. Turns out not only do they use the word "woke" unironically, they seem to think that grown men dating teenagers is A-OK, because of course they do:


Imagine my utter lack of surprise.

hydroptic ,

As someone who actually does have chronic diarrhea and shat their pants just today (yay autoimmune diseases), I agree. "I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy" can get fucked, I absolutely do wish this shit (🥁) on them.

hydroptic , (edited )

At least here in the EU the ePrivacy directive and to a lesser extent the GDPR generally require that cookies have a limited lifetime depending on their function, to eg. prevent companies just attaching a stable identifier to every random passerby essentially forever. @Sunny, if you're feeling particularly mildly infuriated you could email the German Data Protection Authority, there's a good chance the cookie could attract the Eye of Sauron

hydroptic ,

Sure! This page has some general info: https://gdpr.eu/cookies/

The directive itself is kind of involved because it goes pretty deep into what its aim is and eg. what sort of information can be considers an identifier, and it's actually quite well argued and worth a read if that sort of thing is your, er, thing: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/ALL/?uri=CELEX%3A32002L0058 (you need to scoll aaalll the way down to be able to show the body text). I had to deal with this stuff professionally when I was a CTO for a company with some stricter than average privacy requirements due to the field, and I was pleasantly surprised to find out how much sense ePrivacy and GDPR actually make

hydroptic ,

Which is why I said to contact the German DPA

hydroptic ,

You're surprised that gAmErS are complaining about something?

hydroptic ,

And the devs hate the real fans of the game and implement features only to spite them

hydroptic ,

Well, assuming that the cases we know of are the only cases

Man who bragged that he 'fed' an officer to the mob of Capitol rioters gets nearly 5 years in prison ( apnews.com )

A Georgia business owner who bragged that he “fed” a police officer to a mob of rioters storming the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, was sentenced on Thursday to nearly five years in prison for his repeated attacks on law enforcement during the insurrection....

hydroptic ,

“I tell you with confidence: I have changed,”

I tell you with confidence: he's fucking lying

hydroptic OP ,

Ah, a fun little joke I can do with the nitroglycerin I definitely don't have because that would probably be illegal

hydroptic OP ,

I'll call it the Me Prize

hydroptic OP ,

Frankly I had no idea who the third dude was, but that does sound like a weird choice

hydroptic ,

MIT license too, huh. I was sort of expecting a more restrictive one because, well, Microsoft and IBM

hydroptic ,

Something being ancient and irrelevant tdoesn't stop a lot of companies.

hydroptic ,

“Ethnically cleanse,” he said at one point, summing up his idea for a city purged of Blues (this, he says, will prevent Blues from ethnically cleansing the Grays first).

Conservatives are incredibly fucked up. They can't fathom coexisting with people who aren't like them without wanting to "ethnically cleanse" them, so they naturally assume everybody else thinks like this as well

hydroptic OP ,

Haven't had the chance yet but I wouldn't say no to licking uranium

hydroptic OP ,

I hope you enjoyed your 136 000 year nap.

Oh, and I have some… news about the state of the world. You may want to sit down for this

hydroptic ,

Same, this was literally amazing. Here's a LiveScience piece I found that was a bit more in depth. It had a link to the article, and turns out it's open access yay

hydroptic , (edited )

I've run into this problem with many open source projects. It's sometimes really hard to find out what the hell something actually does based on just the project's own pages. It took a while for eg. join-lemmy.org to actually describe what Lemmy is, for example, instead of just going on about it being open source and secure and federated and blah.

hydroptic ,

Yeah I really don't know where hostility against newbies (actual or perceived) comes from in nerd circles. It's been like this for as long as I can remember, and I've been eg. using Linux from the late 90's and fucking around on the Internet for over 30 years now. At least things are way better than they used to be, but it's still sometimes a bit of a bumpy ride

hydroptic ,

Rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic, as per usual when it comes to environmental policies

hydroptic ,

That's just garden-variety narcissism, and Trump is definitely a narcissist.

hydroptic ,

Mostly factual, center left. Which part is the reason why we shouldn't be reading their news?

hydroptic ,

Gee I wonder who those could be

Facebook designates Grayzone journalist Kit Klarenberg a ‘dangerous individual’ - The Grayzone ( thegrayzone.com )

Multiple Facebook users have reported being banned, or having their posts censored, after sharing an investigation by The Grayzone’s Kit Klarenberg into CIA and MI6 involvement in the creation of ISIS. Readers who post links to the piece on the social network find themselves frozen out of their accounts, on the apparent...

hydroptic ,

"It's okay because these bad guys do it too"

Trump supporters gather outside courthouse and ask: Who among us hasn’t paid for sex? ( www.independent.co.uk )

Donald Trump has not been accused of paying for sex, but several supporters protesting outside of his trial on Monday wanted to make it clear that they have. It seems the crowds that come out to protest the persecution of the former president are getting smaller, and weirder...

hydroptic ,

"Never take relationship advice from someone who refers to women as feeeeeemales" is like the internet equivalent of "never trust a person with shiny gear"

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