
NorthWestWind , to Showerthoughts avatar

Philosophy is just applied existential crisis


db2 ,

When people take it too seriously it's more like herded anxiety.

db0 , to Anarchism avatar

What radicalized you?

Assuming you're an anarchist or otherwise leftist radical, what radicalized your position?

For me it was a combination of seeing the rampart corruption of the Greek state and the sloth and hypocrisy of the KKE in my own family. Then afterwards it was the alienation of my own wage-slavery.

Remember to care for your opsec when answering.


rockSlayer ,

Being autistic, I've always had an anti-authoritarian outlook. I started getting radicalized in high school over the murder of Eric Garner and the other black men that were killed by cops in 2014-2016. Then I saw the protest against the DAP. I had a little understanding of what I was seeing, but didn't understand why the cops responded the way they did. The final 2 nails in the coffin for my radlib phase was working in a grocery store during the pandemic, and a massive walkout over sexual harassment at my workplace.

Plopp ,

Is being autistic by definition being anti authoritarian? I've interacted with a couple of autists that, seemingly at least, were very much pro authoritarianism.

theautisticcoach , to ActuallyAutistic group avatar

What’s the biggest myth about autism that my comrades have come across in the course of their self-advocacy?


Tooden , avatar

@MikeImBack You don't look 'autistic'. No-one has said that to me.😕 I really want the opportunity to ask what Autistic looks a polite way, of course. @theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic

danimo , avatar

not the biggest, but a classic: "so you must be good at math" 🙈


nixCraft , to Random avatar

Which installation method do you prefer for your or desktop? 🤔

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  • AverseABFun , avatar

    @nixCraft curl | bash usually works without issue, and so does the local package manager

    aiono , avatar


    I keep a configuration that describes what is needed than use that configuration to get the necessary packages.

    sundray , to Comic Strips avatar

    @comicstrips Words for an Epic Quest

    Incidental Comics by Grant Snider, Thursday, May 9, 2024:

    JeyNessuno ,

    Aren't these just German words?

    misterundercoat ,

    I'm an archipelago enjoyer myself.

    nixCraft , to Random avatar

    The highest-paid software engineers write little to no code. Can you guess what they do all day?

    infosec812 , avatar

    I can tell you what I do (mid 6-figure salary)

    • Meetings with stakeholders
    • Mentoring
    • Business research
    • Documentation
    • Removing blockers for others
    • Development (rarely)
    tk , avatar

    @nixCraft Architect and Plan work.

    rbreich , to Random avatar

    Lack of affordable childcare forces working moms to take unpaid time off & pass up good jobs, costing the average working mom of two ~$94,000 in lost income over their career.

    Republicans (and Manchin & Sinema) have repeatedly blocked investments in childcare. Do they hate moms?

    FCRACoalitionEP , avatar

    @rbreich Dont get rid of Dads so easily, and then try to collect the support check. When you destroy his credit in the divorce, our kids lose 100%. Seems elementary my friend Reich.


    coyoty , avatar

    @rbreich Is this question rhetorical?

    mariyadelano , to actuallyadhd group avatar

    Question for fellow @actuallyautistic and @actuallyadhd neurodivergent folks:

    How do you explain your ideas to neurotypicals?

    I constantly struggle because my brain has made connections that are not obvious to others, and when I try to guide them through my thinking I confuse them with details or by skipping explanations that seem obvious to me but completely surprising to anyone else.

    Frameworks, links, anything is appreciated!

    HaelusNovak , avatar

    @mariyadelano @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd

    I find they never want to spend any time at all listening. 2 seconds into info setup for my point, they're checked out. 😅

    And I'M the one with ADHD! 🥴

    Zumbador , avatar

    @mariyadelano @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd

    Oh I totally have this struggle too.

    What I try to do now it to start with the context ("why do you need to know this"), and check in with the person whether they understand the context.
    Then I go down some levels to a basic principle, but before I explain it, I contextualise it too ("this is what makes x possible" or whatever).

    And if possible, I divide the explanation into discrete units, stopping after each step to give them a chance to try for themselves, or discuss, or have a break.

    Most people don't absorb new information in more than one step at a time, without a chance to put it into practice. That might mean they get to ask a question, or you ask them to come up with examples other than what you've just provided. Anything to get them out of passive listening and into active thinking mode.

    georgetakei , to Random avatar
    wolfette , avatar

    @georgetakei when I got married we got several cruet sets, sheets that didn't fit our bed and were the wrong colour, two toasters and two sets of crockery, neither of which we wanted

    DonQuixokie , avatar

    @georgetakei If you are cash poor but optimistic, it's cool. Always accept anything handmade.

    Homebrewandhacking , to bookstodon group avatar

    Dear @bookstodon

    I would like recommendations for books where the main character is a mild villain dealing with much worse villains and is telling the story as they go. Fantasy and Scifi are always comforting genres but I venture out for the right books.

    I would also like books where men and women are doing things and are friends without a romance being shoe-horned in. But I concede I might as well be asking for a pony at this point.

    Thanks for any help and or boosts!

    Merlo51 , avatar

    @blabberlicious @Homebrewandhacking @bookstodon I loved the first two books but the last one was very disappointing. I listened to them on the way to work for a few weeks. This was the era of cassette audiobooks.

    blabberlicious , avatar

    @Merlo51 @Homebrewandhacking @bookstodon
    Agreed. Peake was in the throes of his mental decline. His wife Maeve Gilmore was holding him together.

    A fascinating artist in her own right.

    jkmooney , to unixporn avatar

    Just plain old XFCE with "off the rack" configuration. Just like how this background looks with the Kripton-GTK theme and Gruvbox-Plus-Dark Icons.

    georgetakei , to Random avatar

    I would watch this reimagining!

    coyoty , avatar

    @georgetakei A rom-com where Skynet ensures its existence by making love, not war, with its enemy.

    But it ends with a messy divorce.

    megatronicthronbanks , avatar

    @georgetakei I can't believe nobody's done this!

    nixCraft , to Random avatar

    Why do so many people treat Excel as a database? 🤔

    grumpasaurus , avatar

    @nixCraft I see rows!

    I see data!

    trechnex , avatar

    @nixCraft because technically you can use any modern spreadsheet program to perform the same functions as a personal database (eg. filtering tables, generating reports, organising data, etc)

    It's a good thing that people don't have to learn Microsoft Access or LibreOffice Base to do that imho. 🙂

    This idea that using spreadsheets as a database is a "noob" thing to do probably should have went away about 10-15 years ago imho.

    lowqualityfacts , to Random avatar

    It's one of life's greatest mysteries.

    josh , avatar

    @lowqualityfacts it has led to one of life’s deepest mysteries: which came first - the fire hydrant, or the fire?

    ZILtoid1991 ,

    It's time for me to come forward: it was me. I put them there after withnessing a family of 10 burning alive due to no water in near sight.

    ErikJonker , to geopolitics group avatar

    Israel will never completely destroy Hamas, inside or outside Gaza. Just as the west never fully defeated IS.
    Also if there is no clear concept/plan for the next phase in Gaza, for the palestinian people, after Hamas has been weakened, Israel is doomed for tactical victories and a strategic defeat in the coming months.
    My guess is some Israeli generals try explain that to their government but they simply won't listen.

    ErikJonker OP , avatar

    @lapingvino @geopolitics ...the problem is the 2+ million people inside that "controlled" area, how are they going to police that, filter out Hamas sympathisers etc. Just guarding the borders of Gaza won't be enough in the longrun.

    lapingvino , avatar

    @ErikJonker @geopolitics that's why they're driving them out.

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