Treczoks ,

They also expects if a woman can give birth to a baby in nine months, nine women only need one month to "produce" a baby. Or even just eight or seven women, because of synergy effects.

mechoman444 ,

These people think the only kind of growth is exponential.

sukhmel ,

Because they don't know anything that grows faster than exponential, and anything that grows slower doesn't look as good in the reports

mechoman444 ,

Slower growth is worse than faster growth. I want 10 million next week not next year.

This kind of capitalism is a disease.

sukhmel ,

My calculations show that around the age of 80 he will be massive enough to turn earth into a black hole if evenly distributed onto its volume

Edit: actually by the age of 30, because I misread the current age to be 12 months

Tire ,

And how will this affect the stock price?

sukhmel ,

Positively, probably, as the stock will get to the moon literally and long before that moment

Anticorp ,

Oh shit, the economy!

Scubus ,

If that's with it evenly distributed, then with all that weight as a virtual point source due to the difference in size between the baby and Earth, wouldn't the baby collapse to its roche limit even faster? And as long as it's not a kuggleblitz (that's def not spelled right) black hole it would quickly consume the Earth and grow even larger, right?

sukhmel ,

Yes, but then we would better use human body density to determine the size of an object, it's not going to be realistically (lol) a point source anyway and will take longer to become a black hole, I think 🤔

Diplomjodler3 ,

Now, if that isn't some sound empirical reasoning, I don't know what is!

radicalautonomy ,

6 lbs., 13 oz. at birth for anyone wondering.

7.5 trillion = 7.5x10^12

40 three-month intervals in 10 years

P = Pounds at birth

P x 2^40 = 7.5x10^40

P = 7.5x10^40 / 2^40

P ≈ 6.82 lbs.

P ≈ 6 lbs., 13 oz.

sukhmel ,
emptyother , avatar

And if he doesn't, thats a "loss" for some reason. Nothing is actually lost mind you, there is no 7.5 trillion pounds of baby meat in a dump somewhere.

FinalRemix ,

Nevertheless, we've fired the CEO and given him 6 billion pounds of baby meat for failing.

Got_Bent ,

And he gets another sweet gig with another big company because he's got "experience"

sukhmel ,

It was a loss because the CEO had already received an MBO in percentage of planned growth

takeda ,

Reminds me of the Reddit CEO who was sobbing that Reddit is not profitable (and that's why they had to block 3rd party apps) while receiving a $200 million salary.

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